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Renee Ramos Yamagishi

Still on the High Seas; Navigating Changing Terrain

3/17/2017 - Aztec Foreclosure Corporation and Nationstar Mortgage LLC "postponed" only to NEXT WEEK TUESDAY March 21st - UPDATE: My case JUST got assigned to Judge Victoria Kolakowski and a hearing for Temporary Restraining Order is set for Monday 03/20/17 just the day before. (judge profile:

Really ready for an intelligent informed adjudication on the merits! The current lawsuit is ONLY to prove Quiet Title in my favor - WHICH A TRUE AND LAWFUL OWNER OF MY DEBT IS TASKED TO DISPROVE ME and PROVE THEIR STANDING INSTEAD; but if a TRO is not granted for some reason and if parties conduct an illegal bid auction I'm forced to demand damages from and add any OTHER adverse parties as Defendants to the lawsuit, such as ANYONE connected to the "successful bidder" who will NOT be a "bonafide purchaser." NoTrustee's Deed Upon Sale can overcome the Lis Pendens while this Litigation is Active, which it IS.: read case at right.

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